
So alas. the reason I haven't been blogging recently (in blog world this is also equivalent to a century or as my friend likes to call it, blog suicide, and I say petoowee to that) is because of this:

Yes the blog is live now. And soon the first issue will come out. and I must say, I'm really really.. excited. (It might not show through this post. you'll just have to envision it, or copy paste the text somewhere and add a couple of exclamation marks and capital letters).

Most images, unless stated otherwise, are my own through experimentation with my handy D60.. would be nice to hear a word or two. or three, from my -1 follower. 

until my next almost-suicidal blogpost, ma3a ilsalamah

1 comment:

  1. thanks for your comment :) love sketchbook and the susie illustration!
